The Officer-In-Charge of this office, Engr. Jaime G. Adalin, and two (2) other Local Assessment Operations Officers IV, Ms. Ruthilda Japay and Mr. Reynaldo Dumadag, participated in the recently concluded 84th Philippine Association of Local Treasurers and Assessors (PHALTRA) National Convention and Seminar & Workshop held last February 21-24, 2017 at PICC, Roxas Blvd, Pasay City.

The said convention is an annual event actively participated by local treasurers and assessors from the local government units all over the Philippines to sustain the programs and implement other plans by the said organization. This year’s theme is: “PHALTRA: Towards an Innovative and Dynamic Revenue Growth Integrated with the Global Economy”.

An election for the new set of officers was also conducted during the convention.